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Star Wars (Decipher) : Coruscant
Qty Item Price Rarity Condition
A Tragedy Has Occurred $1.50 U NM/M
A Vergence In The Force $4.80 U NM/M
A Vergence In The Force $4.02 U EX/F
Accepting Trade Federation Control $1.50 U NM/M
Aks Moe $4.30 R F/NM
Out All Wings Report In & Darklighter Spin $90.20 R NM/M
Allegations Of Corruption $1.90 U F/NM
Out Alter (D) $2.90 U F/NM
Alter (L) $1.50 U NM/M
Another Pathetic Lifeform $2.30 U NM/M
Are You Brain Dead?! $4.30 R NM/M
Out Ascertaining The Truth $1.70 U NM/M
Baseless Accusations $1.00 C NM/M
Out Baskol Yeesrim $1.90 U F/NM
Battle Droid Blaster Rifle $2.96 C F/NM
Battle Order & First Strike $7.90 R F/NM
Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire $8.50 R NM/M
Begin Landing Your Troops $2.10 U F/NM
Blockade Flagship: Bridge $9.70 R F/NM
Captain Madakor $5.00 R NM/M
Out Captain Panaka $8.50 R NM/M
Out Chokk $1.90 U F/NM
Control (D) $1.50 U F/NM
Out Control (L) $5.00 U NM/M
Coruscant (D) $1.84 C F/NM
Coruscant (L) $1.80 C NM/M
Coruscant Guard (D) $1.00 C F/NM
Coruscant Guard (L) $1.00 C NM/M
Coruscant: Docking Bay (D) $1.00 C F/NM
Coruscant: Docking Bay (L) $1.20 C NM/M
Out Coruscant: Galactic Senate (D) $1.00 C F/NM
Coruscant: Galactic Senate (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber $9.20 R NM/M
Credits Will Do Fine $1.00 C NM/M
Out Darth Maul, Young Apprentice $95.20 R F/NM
Darth Maul, Young Apprentice (AI) $438.50 R F/NM
Daultay Dofine $6.30 R F/NM
Depa Billaba $8.50 R NM/M
Out Destroyer Droid $38.10 R F/NM
Out Dioxis $1.90 R F/NM
Do They Have A Code Clearance? $5.00 R F/NM
Droid Starfighter $0.80 C F/NM
Drop! $1.30 U F/NM
Edcel Bar Gane $1.00 C F/NM
Enter The Bureaucrat $1.70 U F/NM
Establish Control $3.20 U F/NM
Free Ride & Endor Celebration $10.40 R NM/M
Freon Drevan $1.50 U NM/M
Gardulla The Hutt $3.50 U F/NM
Graxol Kelvyyn $1.00 U NM/M
Grotto Werribee $6.40 R F/NM
Gungan Warrior $1.10 C NM/M
Horox Ryyder $1.00 C NM/M
I Will Not Defer $1.50 U NM/M
I`ve Decided To Go Back $1.00 C NM/M
Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans $9.80 R F/NM
Imperial Artillery $6.48 R F/NM
Inconsequential Barriers $2.30 C NM/M
Insurrection & Aim High $11.70 R NM/M
Jawa (D) $1.50 C F/NM
Jawa (L) $1.70 C NM/M
Keder The Black $7.50 R F/NM
Ki-Adi-Mundi $11.56 U NM/M
Kill Them Immediately $1.00 C F/NM
Lana Dobreed $1.00 U F/NM
Laser Cannon Battery $28.60 U F/NM
Out Liana Merian $1.50 U NM/M
Lieutenant Williams $1.50 U NM/M
Little Real Power $1.00 C F/NM
Lott Dod $8.50 R F/NM
Mace Windu $55.90 R NM/M
Out Mace Windu (AI) $126.70 R F/NM
Out Malastare (D) $1.50 U F/NM
Malastare (L) $1.20 U NM/M
Mas Amedda $4.60 U NM/M
Out Master Qui-Gon $39.10 R NM/M
Out Master Qui-Gon (AI) $122.70 R F/NM
Masterful Move & Endor Occupation $9.70 R F/NM
Out Maul Strikes $7.30 R F/NM
Out Maul`s Sith Infiltrator $32.40 R F/NM
Out Maul`s Sith Infiltrator (AI) $67.90 R F/NM
Might Of The Republic $8.40 R NM/M
Mind Tricks Don`t Work On Me $2.30 U F/NM
Mindful Of The Future $1.50 C NM/M
Motion Supported $2.10 U F/NM
Murr Danod $5.00 R NM/M
My Lord, Is That Legal? / I Will Make It Legal $4.60 U F/NM
My Lord, Is That Legal? / I Will Make It Legal $3.85 U G/EX
My Loyal Bodyguard $1.70 C NM/M
Out Naboo (D) $11.20 U F/NM
Naboo (L) $7.20 U NM/M
Naboo Blaster (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Naboo Blaster Rifle (D) $1.10 C F/NM
Naboo Blaster Rifle (L) $1.20 C NM/M
Naboo Defense Fighter $1.40 C NM/M
Naboo Fighter Pilot $1.00 C NM/M
Naboo Security Officer Blaster $1.10 C NM/M
Naboo: Battle Plains (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Out Naboo: Battle Plains (L) $1.10 C NM/M
Naboo: Swamp (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Naboo: Swamp (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Naboo: Theed Palace Courtyard (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Naboo: Theed Palace Courtyard (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Naboo: Theed Palace Docking Bay (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Naboo: Theed Palace Docking Bay (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Naboo: Theed Palace Throne Room (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Naboo: Theed Palace Throne Room (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Out Neimoidian Advisor $5.80 U F/NM
Neimoidian Pilot $1.00 C F/NM
New Leadership Is Needed $1.00 C NM/M
No Civility, Only Politics $1.00 C F/NM
Out No Money, No Parts, No Deal! / You`re A Slave? $2.60 U F/NM
Nute Gunray $11.20 R F/NM
Odin Nesloor $1.50 U NM/M
On The Payroll Of The Trade Federation $1.00 C F/NM
Orn Free Taa $1.00 C F/NM
Our Blockade Is Perfectly Legal $1.90 U F/NM
P-59 $34.70 R F/NM
P-60 $14.80 R F/NM
P-60 $12.82 R G/EX
Out Panaka`s Blaster $5.80 R NM/M
Passel Argente $1.00 C F/NM
Phylo Gandish $6.10 R NM/M
Plea To The Court $1.10 U NM/M
Plead My Case To The Senate/ Sanity And Compassion $2.10 U NM/M
Plo Koon $16.80 R NM/M
Out Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo $64.70 R NM/M
Out Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo (AI) $274.80 R F/NM
Queen`s Royal Starship $5.10 R NM/M
Radiant VII $4.10 R NM/M
Rebel Artillery $6.70 R NM/M
Republic Cruiser $1.00 C NM/M
Reveal Ourselves To The Jedi $1.00 C NM/M
Ric Olie $3.20 R NM/M
Rune Haako $3.50 R F/NM
Rune Haako $2.88 R G/EX
Sabe $5.00 R NM/M
Sache $2.10 U NM/M
Out Secure Route $1.30 U NM/M
Security Battle Droid $1.00 C F/NM
Security Control $1.20 U NM/M
Out Sei Taria $1.90 U NM/M
Out Senator Palpatine $26.40 R NM/M
Out Senator Palpatine (AI) $114.80 R F/NM
Sense (D) $5.10 U F/NM
Sense (D) $4.29 U G/EX
Sense (L) $6.20 U NM/M
Out Short Range Fighters & Watch Your Back! $41.60 R F/NM
Speak With The Jedi Council $62.10 R NM/M
Squabbling Delegates $4.80 R F/NM
Stay Here, Where It`s Safe $1.00 C NM/M
Supreme Chancellor Valorum $6.30 R NM/M
Out Supreme Chancellor Valorum (AI) $104.90 R F/NM
TC-14 $2.60 R F/NM
Out Tatooine (D) $3.60 U F/NM
Tatooine (L) $7.30 U NM/M
Tatooine: Marketplace (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Tatooine: Marketplace (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay (D) $0.80 C F/NM
Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Tatooine: Watto`s Junkyard (D) $0.80 U F/NM
Tatooine: Watto`s Junkyard (L) $0.80 C NM/M
Televan Koreyy $5.30 R F/NM
Out Tendau Bendon $1.90 U NM/M
Out Tey How $2.10 U F/NM
The Gravest Of Circumstances $1.70 U NM/M
Out The Hyperdrive Generator`s Gone/ We`ll Need A New One $1.80 U NM/M
Out The Phantom Menace $28.80 R F/NM
Out The Phantom Menace (AI) $61.20 R F/NM
The Point Is Conceded $1.00 C F/NM
Out They Will Be No Match For You $7.50 R F/NM
They`re Still Coming Through! $4.20 U F/NM
This Is Outrageous! $1.30 U F/NM
Out Thrown Back $1.20 C NM/M
Tikkes $1.00 C F/NM
Toonbuck Toora $1.20 U F/NM
Out Trade Federation Battleship $5.40 U F/NM
Trade Federation Droid Control Ship $8.00 R F/NM
Tusken Raider $1.10 C F/NM
Vote Now! (D) $2.30 R F/NM
Vote Now! (D) $1.82 R G/EX
Vote Now!(L) $2.50 R NM/M
Out We Must Accelerate Our Plans $81.30 R NM/M
We Wish To Board At Once $10.40 R NM/M
We`re Leaving $1.00 C NM/M
Wipe Them Out, All Of Them $7.80 U NM/M
Yade M`rak $1.20 U NM/M
Yane $3.80 U NM/M
Out Yarua $2.10 U NM/M
Yeb Yeb Adem`thorn $1.00 C NM/M
Yoda, Senior Council Member $21.80 R NM/M
Out Yoda, Senior Council Member (AI) $111.80 R F/NM
You Cannot Hide Forever & Mobilization Points $11.50 R F/NM
You`ve Got A Lot Of Guts Coming Here $8.90 R NM/M
Your Insight Serves You Well & Staging Areas $4.50 R NM/M

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